
Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing

As technology advances over the years, the internet has become something that we all can’t seem to live without.

In this blog, I will be talking the Web 2.0, how has it advanced from the history of the Internet and why Social Media had became one of the go to marketing platform.

What is Web 2.0?

With the number 2.0, we can understand that it represents the 2nd generation of the Internet, the upgraded version of Web 1.0.

In Web 2.0, there are more contents generated by users themselves. Which brings us to the common web application such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram that are wildly used by people till this date.  

WEB 2.0 - What is it ? How it works and its advantages? - IntenseClick

Web Apps that are broadly used.

Web 2.0 had differed so much from Web 1.0 and the history of the Internet!

That being said, the Internet has come a long way, back from the 90s when things like Yahoo, which was the first introduced in 1994. Google search engine was introduced only in the 1998, 3 years later after Ebay had made their first step into the Internet.

Counting till today, with the Web 2.0, we are able to connect with so many people in the world with the web application made for us.

This will lead me to the 2nd part of the blog about Social Media Marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media had become a platform where businesses had begun to use Social Media Marketing to connect with their audience.

OBERLO had released an article on a number of Social Media Statistics. As of 2019, daily active users in social media have reached an amount of 3.5 billion and the average time spent on social media is 3 hours per day!

LYFE has also mentioned a number of reasons why Social Media Marketing is the way to go.

One of it will be that with the number of users expected as of 2021, most customers should have access to social media. Content marketed via social media is deemed to be better accepted by the customers. At the same time, social media marketing also helps businesses to increase brand recognition.

I believe that marketing through social media brings about lots of benefits to business owners.

What do you think?

Let me know your thoughts and feel free to discuss with me! ^^