
Internet of Things, More like Internet of Everything…

Hi all! Back with another blog after 1 week break, hope you didn’t miss me haha

Today, as seen from the title, it will be about Internet of Things, or more like Internet of Everything… doesn’t really make sense but just trying to play around with the words haha

But really though, have you realised IoT are actually surrounding us? Almost everything is related to IoT! The smartwatches to track you heartbeats and work out efficiency, the smart system in your cars and needless to say, for Singaporeans the TraceTogether token you’re carrying around everyday!

How Do Marketer Make Use of IoT?

It is unavoidable for Marketer to become a ‘Data Scientist’, to understand the data that plays a huge role for marketer to use them to create smart devices to further improve the IoT around us.

via Marketo Blog

Isn’t it amazing to use data collect from IoTs to create more IoTs???

The BIG Data

The Three Vs

Big data, the name itself is self-explanatory, it basically means a tremendous amounts of information. To better understand them, it has been separated into 3 Vs – Velocity, Variety and Volume.

Velocity – simply means the speed of data collected these days has been amazingly fast that it is kind of hard to explain in numbers!

Variety – represents the wide range of data available these days, from a small social media posts to video, photos etc. That is a lot of different data isn’t it?

Volume – Needless to say, with the first 2 V, it is easily understandable that the data volume will be HUGE. If not it wouldn’t be called Big Data.

Best of Both World???

Now how do they corelate with each other?

For IoT, they are basically technology that feeds on the Big Data. For them to be created, Big Data has to be analyzed to for them to research and create IoTs that fits the public.

As for Big Data, IoTs in return contributes more data to the already existing data. Does that mean with this two corelating to each other, it’s a best of both world isn’t it?

Their ‘common goal’ of converting data into substantial insights makes them rely on each other for success.

They both hold an important relationship to as technology advances.

Do you think it is possible for IoT to sustain without the Big Data?

Let me know your thoughts below!


Time To Get Viral!

Hi guys!! I’m back with yet another blog and this week the topic is – Virality aka Viral Marketing 🙂


That’s right… How???

It’s actually quite simple! In fact, we are part of the reason why some campaign got viral!


WOM had played a hugeee and let’s be honest, it is one of the biggest part towards a marketing campaign. But to achieve a successful WOM, can be a little tedious!

Bet you didn’t know, there steps to achieve a successful WOM. Literally. STEPPS. Which are known as the Principles of Contagiousness.

Contagious: Jonah Berger on why some things catch on

Of course, its not necessary for the campaign to include all six principles for them to create a successful campaign!

Let me share with you my thoughts on what are the more important principle 🙂


This principles is rather in trend right now and there are a few popular examples that I can mention. In fact, others might have already talked about it.


For Lazada, they first got viral by hiring Lee Minho to be part of the ambassador for their 11.11 campaign.

11.11 sa Lazada
via 9GAG

Of course, it was viral for the wrong reason, but Lazada did manage to gain a huge traction towards their brand! Which I believe it is a good trigger towards them.

The latest viral campaign by Lazada just happened recently! It’s their 3.3 campaign which features talents from local news media company SGAG. Once again, getting viral for due to their badly autotuned jingle played in the ad. But still, Lazada is on the roll! Constantly ensuring they get the attention for themselves.


Needless to say, Lazada has got their very own competitor – Shopee. In fact, Shopee had gone viral even earlier since 2019. In Thailand, they hired BlackPink as their ambassador and got them to film a short 30s ad with their iconic hit song.

via YouTube

Shopee also manage to get Ronaldo to be an ambassador of theirs and the response was immaculate. Like come on who wouldn’t be shock to see Ronaldo dancing to Baby Shark in an ad right? I would haha.

via YouTube

Iconic isn’t it? Guess Shopee was a step ahead!


I got to say, Emotion can be one of those that really attracts your attention and spread words about the campaign. Especially ones that get you emotional and feel the same as the ad, the ad that will make you text your friends and go, “omg this ad touches my heart” or “damn I relate to the ad so much!”.

These campaign might make you feel sad, happy, anxiety while or after watching it but regardless the outcome, they definitely make you feel something that is share worthy!

via YouTube

Video above is actually one of the most iconic campaign held by Singapore to deter gamblers from gambling addiction. The campaign motive was for them to actually feel guilty for making their family suffer. Which actually worked very well!

Your Thoughts?

In your opinion, do you think there are other way to boost the viral marketing other than using STEPPS?


Your Phone Doesn’t Bother You, But You Do. Do You?

Hi all. I’m back with another blog and judging by the title, you may not understand what I’m going to be talking about. Let’s just move with my flow 😉

Yes I do… do you bother your phone? Your phone will not be lying around and goes “Pick me! Use me!”. In contrast, we are the one who goes, “Let’s pick it up, let’s use it.”. Am I right or am I right? But why though?

Mobile Marketing is what’s that is constantly connecting us to our phone. Let me explain further!

Evolution of Screens

Technology of screens started way back to the 1910s, where people are introduced to movie screen AKA silver screen (it is literally silver…).

Sino Silver Screen: The Holidays May Be Over, but the Cinemas Are Just  Getting Started | the Beijinger
1st Screen – Silver Screen

Then as it advances, from the 2nd, 3rd and now the 4th screen technology, which are the tablets (iPad etc), smart phones, gaming devices and even kindles where people read their books, without a book.

The 4th screen is literally within everyone’s’ reach! Our phone is now a smart devices that actually comprises of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd all in one. Now tell me, how can one not leave their phone alone???

When Marketing Meets Mobile

Since we’ve arrive to the era of 4th screen technology, marketing technique will have to advance along the way as well!

Marketing has made it’s way towards our phone, introducing different tools that can easily give us a reason to pick our phones up!

Tools such as e-coupons, mobile ads, websites for mobile devices, apps, location based marketing and of course, mobile payment!


Social media apps is where most of the marketing tool incorporates together! Let me explain.

When you’re scrolling through Facebook/Instagram, do you occur ads half way? Yes. Mobile Ads, check.

When you click on the ad, does some directs you to their website? Yes. Mobile website, check.

When you are in the website, do you notice discount codes given for specific purchases? Yes. Mobile coupons, check.

Isn’t social media a wonderful place for mobile marketing?

Now let me say something, mobile payment saves life!! Not literally but you get the jiff haha.

Web Designing | Website Development Company in Delhi, India
via Ignitive Tech

Mobile payment definitely gives us a sense of assurance. Don’t you think so?

In the past if we left home with no money or cards, we’re dead. We can’t do anything! But now, throw your wallet aside and you will still be fine.

Take the public transport and tap in with your mobile payment. You can go to the convenient store or super mart with no cash but just a simple click on your mobile payment and viola you’ve paid for your stuff.

Now that’s why I said it saves life, but not literally 😂, imagine the anxiety of not being able to pay for your items when the cashier ask for it!!!

Has Mobile Marketing benefitted you in anyway?

Let me know in the comments below! 😊 


Let’s Spice Things Up!

Salt Bae GIF by Julie Winegard - Find & Share on GIPHY

I believe everyone has a fear towards constructing a proposal and having the need find someone (a mentor) to give you feedback, because I do too! The thought of my proposal being boring and not captivating is enough to send shivers down my spine…

But fret not! Not all hero wear capes and Shane is here to rescue your possibly plain and boring marketing proposal and tips on how to find a mentor 😎 .

The Foundation

Everything is all about the foundation, lets take 1 step at a time!

We all will have an objective and we have to make sure it is SMART which also means the objective has to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic (some say Relevant) and Timely.

You can proceed to find an appropriate strategy approach, something that will execute your objectives best!

Understand the Customer Value Proposition, this is where you research online about target and segmentation, the marketing mix and brand value. This is the step where you will get to understand your target market better!

Lastly, when you’ve done the necessary research, there should be sufficient knowledge to figure out how to communicate with your target market. This step is about defining the digital communication mix.

On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!

After setting your foundation, this is where the R.A.C.E begins… (pun intended haha)


Before executing your plan, it is important to get ready for the R.A.C.E.

Image above is simple explanation of how the R.A.C.E framework goes about and at each point, which Key Performance Index should you set and take note of.

For a better understanding, let’s take Spotify as an example, with logical explanation given by Consuunt.


As everyone should know, Spotify is free by default. But what have they done to reach out to their users?

They let their user try how default Spotify works without a premium.

That is where their users will experience the annoying ads that appears in between a few songs. Which does gets very annoying sometimes!


And this is how Spotify acts.

They provide their users with information on how different premium packages works, and add on with an attractive “2 month free” and “free cancellation anytime“.

via Spotify

Does the different packages looks attractive to you? It does to me… especially I get to experience them free for the first month!

In the local scene, Spotify actually worked with telecommunication companies to provide a lower price for users that signs up via the specific telco! Take a look at what Singtel provides, attractive isn’t it?

via Singtel


People would have thought Spotify earn mainly from premium users but that’s not all! Spotify gets income from the ads that were played to the free users during intervals. Those ads were monetized so that Spotify will not be making a loss when the free users are using it.


As for Engage, similarly to maybe other platform’s algorithm, Spotify keep their users engaged by showing “their suggestions” towards songs they believe the users will like. After all, people use Spotify for the songs they are listening to and not for Spotify itself!

Talk the Talk

Now that we have understood the R.A.C.E framework, we should proceed with knowing how get yourself a mentor that can provide feedback on your proposal.

Let’s begin!

  1. Have a define goal and know what you need. (Covered in the Foundation!)
  2. Have a “job description” for the type of mentor you have in mind. Let the person know why you are interesting to engage them.
  3. Search through platforms like LinkedIn and with people you’ve met before. Mentors can be anywhere. But most importantly, be understanding that people might reject your request and keep trying!
  4. Ask! Make the effort to ask and wait for responses. It may be tough, awkward and stressful but it’s the first step for everything.
  5. Request for the 1st meeting. It can be just a simple meeting at Starbucks. But take note, don’t make them feel like it’s a hassle, go with their convenience!
  6. Be sure to communicate after the 1st meeting. Send out email/messages to show appreciation and plans of having a 2nd meeting.
  7. Keep an account on the events you have together with your mentor.
  8. Be appreciative and always thank the mentor for their time.

Your Thoughts?

Now that we’ve come to the end of this blog, do you think having a RACE framework is important and was the 8 tips for engaging a mentor helpful?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ^^


Social Media Consumers & Digital Business Model

Welcome back!

This week’s blog I will be discussing about Social Media Consumers (and their communities), together with Digital Business Model.

Social Media had dominated everyone’s daily lifestyle, don’t you think so? Have you ever wondered what about social media that attracts everyone’s attention?

Many times, I closed an app to end up opening the same app again!

Me on My Phone Close This App My Hand Open It Back Up! Let's Do That Again  | Phone Meme on ME.ME

Does any of you relate to this? Haha.

Let me further explain how this happens.

There is a motive behind every consumer’s purpose in using social media. It can be:

  1. Rational – For source of entertainment or information.
  2. Emotional – To connect with people, to express their own thoughts.

Many had also justified their use of social media were mainly to connect with friends and families. But then again, why social media? What about phone calls? Text messages or even letters?

As technology advances, certain changes have to be made and that being said, the shift of six significant iConsumer trend (device, communications, content, social, video and retail) had slowly led to the increase consumers in social media!

Many contents have been shifted online that we may not even realise when was the last time we actually texted someone using SMS, reading a physical newspaper and even watching a tv series in front of a television!

Digital Business Model

With the mention of the six significant iConsumer trend, this is where I’ll talk about Digital Business Model.

As more people shifts their attention towards social media, it is unavoidable for businesses to hope to bring surplus to themselves through the same platform. This is where Digital Business Model appears, with businesses providing social media services to people that are willing to pay.

Here are some of the revenue models that many of us are aware of and needless to say we are part of the consumers as well.

  1. Virtual Goods Model – Platforms like EBay, Amazon and such as Carousell for Singaporean users.
Snap to Sell, Chat to Buy for FREE on the Carousell marketplace!

2. Subscription Model – Netflix and for Singaporean’s will be VIU (for latest k-drama hits!!)

Best Value] 365 Days Viu Premium Redemption Code (Instant Delivery) |  Shopee Singapore

3. Freemium Model – Most commonly known will be Spotify. But little did we know, Freemium model is rather commonly used! Any other social medias have you realised?

Many would have heard the phrase of “There ain’t no such thing as free lunch.”, to what extent do you agree to this phrase in context to spending time and money on social media? What is not the free lunch?

Leave a comment below and let’s discuss! 🙂


Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing

As technology advances over the years, the internet has become something that we all can’t seem to live without.

In this blog, I will be talking the Web 2.0, how has it advanced from the history of the Internet and why Social Media had became one of the go to marketing platform.

What is Web 2.0?

With the number 2.0, we can understand that it represents the 2nd generation of the Internet, the upgraded version of Web 1.0.

In Web 2.0, there are more contents generated by users themselves. Which brings us to the common web application such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram that are wildly used by people till this date.  

WEB 2.0 - What is it ? How it works and its advantages? - IntenseClick

Web Apps that are broadly used.

Web 2.0 had differed so much from Web 1.0 and the history of the Internet!

That being said, the Internet has come a long way, back from the 90s when things like Yahoo, which was the first introduced in 1994. Google search engine was introduced only in the 1998, 3 years later after Ebay had made their first step into the Internet.

Counting till today, with the Web 2.0, we are able to connect with so many people in the world with the web application made for us.

This will lead me to the 2nd part of the blog about Social Media Marketing.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media had become a platform where businesses had begun to use Social Media Marketing to connect with their audience.

OBERLO had released an article on a number of Social Media Statistics. As of 2019, daily active users in social media have reached an amount of 3.5 billion and the average time spent on social media is 3 hours per day!

LYFE has also mentioned a number of reasons why Social Media Marketing is the way to go.

One of it will be that with the number of users expected as of 2021, most customers should have access to social media. Content marketed via social media is deemed to be better accepted by the customers. At the same time, social media marketing also helps businesses to increase brand recognition.

I believe that marketing through social media brings about lots of benefits to business owners.

What do you think?

Let me know your thoughts and feel free to discuss with me! ^^