
Internet of Things, More like Internet of Everything…

Hi all! Back with another blog after 1 week break, hope you didn’t miss me haha

Today, as seen from the title, it will be about Internet of Things, or more like Internet of Everything… doesn’t really make sense but just trying to play around with the words haha

But really though, have you realised IoT are actually surrounding us? Almost everything is related to IoT! The smartwatches to track you heartbeats and work out efficiency, the smart system in your cars and needless to say, for Singaporeans the TraceTogether token you’re carrying around everyday!

How Do Marketer Make Use of IoT?

It is unavoidable for Marketer to become a ‘Data Scientist’, to understand the data that plays a huge role for marketer to use them to create smart devices to further improve the IoT around us.

via Marketo Blog

Isn’t it amazing to use data collect from IoTs to create more IoTs???

The BIG Data

The Three Vs

Big data, the name itself is self-explanatory, it basically means a tremendous amounts of information. To better understand them, it has been separated into 3 Vs – Velocity, Variety and Volume.

Velocity – simply means the speed of data collected these days has been amazingly fast that it is kind of hard to explain in numbers!

Variety – represents the wide range of data available these days, from a small social media posts to video, photos etc. That is a lot of different data isn’t it?

Volume – Needless to say, with the first 2 V, it is easily understandable that the data volume will be HUGE. If not it wouldn’t be called Big Data.

Best of Both World???

Now how do they corelate with each other?

For IoT, they are basically technology that feeds on the Big Data. For them to be created, Big Data has to be analyzed to for them to research and create IoTs that fits the public.

As for Big Data, IoTs in return contributes more data to the already existing data. Does that mean with this two corelating to each other, it’s a best of both world isn’t it?

Their ‘common goal’ of converting data into substantial insights makes them rely on each other for success.

They both hold an important relationship to as technology advances.

Do you think it is possible for IoT to sustain without the Big Data?

Let me know your thoughts below!

2 replies on “Internet of Things, More like Internet of Everything…”

Hi Shane! Wow your post made me think in-depth on IoT and Big Data, i think that both needs to coexist to make things work. Do you feel that it is a good thing that IoT is surrounding us, should we be cautious about it?


Hi Hayley!
You made a good point! I guess we should be rather wary of how IoT is surrounding us so extensively. It’s expanding at such a fast pace, kinda hard to notice as well! Sadly, now I think about it, it is kind of tough to imagine living without IoT around us! I guess we just have to limit ourselves to the amount of IoT we are exposed to. Recently I saw a post about a smart toaster and I was thinking, do we really need this? Doesn’t a basic toaster is enough to satisfy us? Guess not! But well, this is why I say we can limit ourselves, we don’t have to go that far to get ourselves a smart toaster right? Haha


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