
Your Phone Doesn’t Bother You, But You Do. Do You?

Hi all. I’m back with another blog and judging by the title, you may not understand what I’m going to be talking about. Let’s just move with my flow πŸ˜‰

Yes I do… do you bother your phone? Your phone will not be lying around and goes “Pick me! Use me!”. In contrast, we are the one who goes, “Let’s pick it up, let’s use it.”. Am I right or am I right? But why though?

Mobile Marketing is what’s that is constantly connecting us to our phone. Let me explain further!

Evolution of Screens

Technology of screens started way back to the 1910s, where people are introduced to movie screen AKA silver screen (it is literally silver…).

Sino Silver Screen: The Holidays May Be Over, but the Cinemas Are Just  Getting Started | the Beijinger
1st Screen – Silver Screen

Then as it advances, from the 2nd, 3rd and now the 4th screen technology, which are the tablets (iPad etc), smart phones, gaming devices and even kindles where people read their books, without a book.

The 4th screen is literally within everyone’s’ reach! Our phone is now a smart devices that actually comprises of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd all in one. Now tell me, how can one not leave their phone alone???

When Marketing Meets Mobile

Since we’ve arrive to the era of 4th screen technology, marketing technique will have to advance along the way as well!

Marketing has made it’s way towards our phone, introducing different tools that can easily give us a reason to pick our phones up!

Tools such as e-coupons, mobile ads, websites for mobile devices, apps, location based marketing and of course, mobile payment!


Social media apps is where most of the marketing tool incorporates together! Let me explain.

When you’re scrolling through Facebook/Instagram, do you occur ads half way? Yes. Mobile Ads, check.

When you click on the ad, does some directs you to their website? Yes. Mobile website, check.

When you are in the website, do you notice discount codes given for specific purchases? Yes. Mobile coupons, check.

Isn’t social media a wonderful place for mobile marketing?

Now let me say something, mobile payment saves life!! Not literally but you get the jiff haha.

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via Ignitive Tech

Mobile payment definitely gives us a sense of assurance. Don’t you think so?

In the past if we left home with no money or cards, we’re dead. We can’t do anything! But now, throw your wallet aside and you will still be fine.

Take the public transport and tap in with your mobile payment. You can go to the convenient store or super mart with no cash but just a simple click on your mobile payment and viola you’ve paid for your stuff.

Now that’s why I said it saves life, but not literally πŸ˜‚, imagine the anxiety of not being able to pay for your items when the cashier ask for it!!!

Has Mobile Marketing benefitted you in anyway?

Let me know in the comments below! 😊 

4 replies on “Your Phone Doesn’t Bother You, But You Do. Do You?”

Hi Shane,
It is yet another interesting read from you! And to answer your question, yes mobile marketing has definitely helped me a lot in terms on speeding up the research part before buying any products. But I would like to hear from you, do you think that there are downsides to mobile marketing if so what are these negative points?


Hi Hayley,
Thanks for the comment!
Well, there are definitely downsides to mobile marketing! I believe if one business focuses too much on mobile marketing, they might end up neglecting their traditional marketing and especially losing the connections towards users that have traditional marketing as part of their preferred channel. It will be sad to see businesses shifting towards mobile marketing, as there might be people that are not as tech-savvy who may miss out on the promotions they have.


Interesting blog you have Shane.

Talking about using your phone for everything, like even making cashless payments. Do you think e-wallets will phase out physical cash entirely? That can save mountains of resources to make physical money like notes and coins! What are your thoughts?


Hi Marcus!
Thanks for commenting.
Yes I do believe e-wallet will soon permanently take over our daily payment methods. In fact, it has already started! Now you visit food courts, they actually allow us to use contactless payment. However, this might be a disadvantage for the elderly who are less capable of catching up with the technology. I think it is possible for e-wallet to phase out at least 80% but not 100% as we still have to consider others like the elderly who are not as tech-savvy and kids who need to learn about monetary value.


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