
Let’s Spice Things Up!

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I believe everyone has a fear towards constructing a proposal and having the need find someone (a mentor) to give you feedback, because I do too! The thought of my proposal being boring and not captivating is enough to send shivers down my spine…

But fret not! Not all hero wear capes and Shane is here to rescue your possibly plain and boring marketing proposal and tips on how to find a mentor 😎 .

The Foundation

Everything is all about the foundation, lets take 1 step at a time!

We all will have an objective and we have to make sure it is SMART which also means the objective has to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Realistic (some say Relevant) and Timely.

You can proceed to find an appropriate strategy approach, something that will execute your objectives best!

Understand the Customer Value Proposition, this is where you research online about target and segmentation, the marketing mix and brand value. This is the step where you will get to understand your target market better!

Lastly, when you’ve done the necessary research, there should be sufficient knowledge to figure out how to communicate with your target market. This step is about defining the digital communication mix.

On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!

After setting your foundation, this is where the R.A.C.E begins… (pun intended haha)


Before executing your plan, it is important to get ready for the R.A.C.E.

Image above is simple explanation of how the R.A.C.E framework goes about and at each point, which Key Performance Index should you set and take note of.

For a better understanding, let’s take Spotify as an example, with logical explanation given by Consuunt.


As everyone should know, Spotify is free by default. But what have they done to reach out to their users?

They let their user try how default Spotify works without a premium.

That is where their users will experience the annoying ads that appears in between a few songs. Which does gets very annoying sometimes!


And this is how Spotify acts.

They provide their users with information on how different premium packages works, and add on with an attractive “2 month free” and “free cancellation anytime“.

via Spotify

Does the different packages looks attractive to you? It does to me… especially I get to experience them free for the first month!

In the local scene, Spotify actually worked with telecommunication companies to provide a lower price for users that signs up via the specific telco! Take a look at what Singtel provides, attractive isn’t it?

via Singtel


People would have thought Spotify earn mainly from premium users but that’s not all! Spotify gets income from the ads that were played to the free users during intervals. Those ads were monetized so that Spotify will not be making a loss when the free users are using it.


As for Engage, similarly to maybe other platform’s algorithm, Spotify keep their users engaged by showing “their suggestions” towards songs they believe the users will like. After all, people use Spotify for the songs they are listening to and not for Spotify itself!

Talk the Talk

Now that we have understood the R.A.C.E framework, we should proceed with knowing how get yourself a mentor that can provide feedback on your proposal.

Let’s begin!

  1. Have a define goal and know what you need. (Covered in the Foundation!)
  2. Have a “job description” for the type of mentor you have in mind. Let the person know why you are interesting to engage them.
  3. Search through platforms like LinkedIn and with people you’ve met before. Mentors can be anywhere. But most importantly, be understanding that people might reject your request and keep trying!
  4. Ask! Make the effort to ask and wait for responses. It may be tough, awkward and stressful but it’s the first step for everything.
  5. Request for the 1st meeting. It can be just a simple meeting at Starbucks. But take note, don’t make them feel like it’s a hassle, go with their convenience!
  6. Be sure to communicate after the 1st meeting. Send out email/messages to show appreciation and plans of having a 2nd meeting.
  7. Keep an account on the events you have together with your mentor.
  8. Be appreciative and always thank the mentor for their time.

Your Thoughts?

Now that we’ve come to the end of this blog, do you think having a RACE framework is important and was the 8 tips for engaging a mentor helpful?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ^^

4 replies on “Let’s Spice Things Up!”

Hey Shane, great blog! I love the pace and formatting of your content! R.A.C.E sure is detailed! That being said, do you think R.A.C.E can be applied to every single company?


Hi Marcus!
I do think the R.A.C.E framework can work for most companies! If they follow closely step by step, I believe their digital marketing efforts can be greatly recognised. There may be some companies that are more traditional may not be able to work around the R.A.C.E framework, for example like the hawkers and some SME that have limited reach in the digital platform.


Hi Shane!
I love your tips for writing a proposal!! It is so detailed and useful, now i have a clearer guideline when composing my proposal. I sure think having a RACE framework is important as it helps to serves as a reminder of the purpose of the whole proposal. Although the tips for engaging a mentor is helpful, how do you think we should go about persuading these mentors to help us? How will it benefit them?


Hi Hayley!
Glad my blog was helpful!
Yes I think we can go about persuading mentors to help but it would be nice to be aware if they are comfortable with helping. Do they seem annoyed? Do they have a packed schedule? We have to consider certain points to make sure in the process of persuading, we do not offend anyone!
I believe mentors can be benefitted at one point if they were to include such mentorship in their resumes. They can mention how they had helped certain people, how they had directed them for certain project etc. I think this can boost their profile definitely!


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